Sunday, August 7, 2016

Delicious Easy and Affordable Chicken Tortilla Soup

A delicious meal that is a classic to see on a restaurant menu, especially at any chain.  I really love chicken tortilla soup.  But guess what,  I have never made chicken tortilla soup before this week.
I know, I know, I know.  Wait, what?  But it is so simple.  Well now I know.

I am back in the kitchen with a new lease on cullinary life.  I have been in a cooking and baking rut for such a long time.  I feel like when you are trying to eat healthy it is so easy to just cook chicken rice and vegetables and repeat over and over with some sandwiches in between as a guilty filler because I don't know about you but we like sammiches at my house.  Nay nay, we love them.  Simple ones and fancy ones.  It almost doesn't get better than that or pizza. And pizza is a no NO when trying to eat healthy. [Don't even get me started on cauliflower pizza (freaking disgusting)].

Well, I smashed my right thumb while camping a few weeks ago and that left me with a lot of time on my hands.  I will save that story for another day.  It is a truly riveting tale, I assure you.  But, I am oddly really greatful it happened because it pulled me out of the rut I had found  myself in.  

With so much time on my hands when Fiona and I went on our weekly trip to the library and I got some baking books and made angel food cake, foccaccia bread, krautburgers, and some other stuff that I have always wanted to try but just never did.  Then a few days ago I told Jason I felt like making Chicken Tortilla soup and he was ready for me to go to the store and get everything for it pretty much the minute later.

But I waited and made it yesterday. OmG. So good.

Also, LOOK at my new kitchen toy.  My very own enameled 6.5qt dutch oven. I love it.  And the color is beautiful.  We got it at Sam's Club and I love it love it LOVE it.  This also inspired the meal.  My first meal cooked in it.  Pretty much my newest baby.

When I go and search a recipe and it has over a thousand good reviews from people on I pretty much stop and say ok this is the one.  It never fails.  Trust the gods for they are good.  They really do love us.

If you love the classic chicken tortilla soup. Stop. Click this link for the recipe and try it yourself.  It is almost fool proof, easy on the pocket, and has a lot of good stuff in it for you.  The other great things is that even if it is hot as hell outside, you can still eat chicken tortilla soup.  It's not like a chowder where you look sideways at it and think, it should be colder outside. I find it refreshing.

I will say this disclaimer though.  The recipe has corn and hominy in it.  I bought and opened a can of hominy and decided against using it.  So I followed the recipe exactly besides these changes:
I omitted the corn and hominy.  I added three fresh roma tomatoes diced large and added to the onions and garlic  before continuing onto the next step.  I also used PepperJack Cheese instead of Monterey Jack Cheese because that is what we had and Jason grilled flour tortillas.

I would say this recipe made me and Jason about 8 servings.  I had a bowl and Jason had two bowls and that left us with 2 32oz Ball Jars of soup.  I am not even going to freeze one.  I am pretty sure this will be gone in the next 2 days!


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