Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult.  Jodi Picoult.  Jodi Picoult.

I feel like every time I ask a woman what she is reading, who she has been reading, what book she recommends, or who is her favorite author I am always answered with, "JODI PICOULT!"

Now.  I am not doggin'.  There is a reason why every woman will also suggest you read Jane Austen.  For what reason I still do not know.  However, Jodi Picoult has got to be more interesting than Jane Austen.

I aim to prove to myself that this is so.

I will tell you I have read both authors before.  But, I have only read one book from Jodi Picoult and I read it about 4 or 5 years ago.  This was my first introduction to Jodi Picoult by my sister, Heather, who let me borrow one of her many Jodi Picoult books. (My sister is one of those really insanely faster readers and she had owned and read every single Picoult book to date at the time.)   The book was that really sad story that became a movie and yes I will admit that it was awesome.  This particular book was My Sister's Keeper.  Another thing I will tell you, for whatever reason I do find it very necessary to share, that I do remember having to get my historical literature fix right after reading My Sister's Keeper and I read and watched The Reader.   Which, I will also tell you, The Reader is a MUCH better book due to liberal Hollywood.

As you should know by now I love a really good and honest tragedy.  I am not a huge modern fiction fan.


I am also exploring Jodi Picoult because I have had a book highly recommended to me by my other sister - The Storyteller.  I really would like to read this one.  I have read a good number of Holocaust based books and would really like to add this one to my list.  It is also a nominee for Goodreads' Fiction of the Year Award.

But, a gal I have met here, who is becoming a new friend of mine, would like to read House Rules at the same time as me, kind of like a miniature book club.

This gal is another woman who responded "Jodi Picoult" to my myriad of book themed questions.

So, I feel like maybe now as a mother, as a wife, and as a new Coloradoan it is time to explore the seas of Jodi Picoult.

As you can see in the picture I am going to dive into House Rules alongside my new friend.

It is intriguing to me for a few different reasons.  House Rules intrigues me mostly because it is based on a child who has Asperger's and specializes in figuring out crime scenes.  However, due to the local police's misunderstanding of Asperger's it makes him a prime target for a local murder.  So the question before reading the story is, 'is this innocent seeming teenager capable of murder?  Or is he being targeted for his Asperger's and specialty interesting in crime solving?'

I am looking forward to reading this and shall review it here when I am finished.

If you have read this please comment below but please leave out the spoiler alerts!

Cheers and Good Readings!

1 comment :

  1. I have read a few of her books and this is one of them that I read. I really enjoyed it! Hope you like it!
