Friday, March 8, 2013

Lavender Obsession

I am, and have been, Lavender obsessed. 

     A really great friend of mine first introduced me to Lavender infusions a few years ago.  She brought Lavender Lemonade to our hangout house one summer evening and it was absolutely delicious.  A few weeks later she had the brilliant idea of Lavender and cheap Champagne.  It is tart, but perfect on a hot Southern California night.  

     There used to be a coffee shop in Downtown Fullerton that served Lavender Tea Lattes.  It was one of the best iced drinks on the face of planet Earth.  Unfortunately, the shop has succumbed to today’s economy and has closed.  It was a perfect treat on one of my pamper days.  The girl I get my hair cut from works around the block from where it used to be, and it was always such a treat to end my day with a final splurge since I am typically frugal.  (Overpriced hair and overpriced coffee go hand in hand in my book.)  I have yet to find a coffee shop to serve anything like it.

     Though I cannot find a replacement coffee shop, I have come up with a pretty great Lavender infused coffee. I place Lavender on the bottom of the filter, place coffee on top of the Lavender, and place a second layer of Lavender on top of the ground coffee.  This ensures that The Lavender really secretes its goodness.  I love the aroma and the taste.  At home I typically drink my coffee with milk and a sugar-free flavoring like Hazlenut and Vanilla.  But with Lavender infused coffee I find it best to add milk and Splenda.  It really makes it a special morning treat.

     I also thoroughly enjoy Lavender and Chamomile Tea.  It is light and perfect when I want to relax and try to calm down.  Drinking Chamomile is a gamble.  But since Fiona has started to sleep in longer durations  I am more willing to roll the dice.  I most love Lavender Chamomile Tea with a drizzle of Sage Honey and a splash of milk.

          A few months ago I tried to make Lavender tea cookies.  They were not my favorite.  I added the entire lavender pod instead of grinding them up.  I didn’t think it would make that much of a difference, but it did.  Jason and I both shared the same cookie and we threw away the rest.  They were terribly strong in Lavender and the texture was awful.  In a couple weeks I think I will try to make a new batch, but this time with ground Lavender.  I bet it would be a nice treat to a mildly infused Lavender coffee or would be a great partner to fresh Chamomile only tea. 

      There are a lot of ways you can come across Lavender.  I would really like to support a particular Lavender farm in Oregon that Jason came across in his New Pioneer magazine.  However, right now, going to my local Sprouts is the most cost effective way for me to get my Lavender obsession.  And if you are interested in trying a new drink I suggest you hit up Sprouts first before you look anywhere else.  You can get a simple test amount for pennies.  It's great!

     I should also mention that I even have an aromatherapy Lavender/Chamomile spray.  I have been using it fora few years now and buy it from Bath and Body Works.  I used to have bouts of insomnia when my life was severely unstable.  I turned to aromatherapy, with little faith it would have an influence.  Back then, I took little interest in herbs and homeopathic type remedies.  Now, however, I find my life is based upon finding, inventing, and using such home remedies.  The Lavender Chamomile Sleepy Time Aromatherapy spray works amazingly.  I find that if I spray it once or twice on my pillow, let it breathe while I brush my teeth, and lay down right afterwards the stresses of the day seem further away than if laying on a naked pillow.  The smells are so relaxing and inviting and just hug you to sleep.

In Old Town Temecula there is a Lavender shop filled with oils and soaps and lotions.  It is absolutely delightful.  It is a vision.  A small snapshot of what could be.  I cannot wait to  grow my own Lavender one day.  The possibilities are endless.  And with that, I shall say Cheers! 

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