Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How Can I Have a Baby's Room When I Live in a 1 Bedroom Apartment in California???

                So, as you know, I have a baby on the way.  I really cannot be more excited.  Naturally, that excitement will manifest itself into some sort of form.  For some it might be overwhelming anxiety, others might think they know everything and be totally relaxed, and a few might be passive until they are as big as a house and then realize that there is no avoiding a living being is on its way. 
      I, however, immediately started to think of all the ways I want to spoil the hell out of my kid.  This then means that I want my daughter to have everything I think she deserves and more.  My first thoughts of what I needed to do were not the bottles, or the breast pump, or the diapers, diapers, diapers.  My first thoughts were ok, baby’s room.  What the frick am I going to do????  How to decorate?  What is too much?  How can I make that work?
                At this point let me tell you, we have a one bedroom apartment.  We seriously contemplated getting a two bedroom all for the fantasy of what is the ideal situation that is shoved down your throat everywhere you turn.  However, a $600 a month increase in rent is not an ideal situation for a newly married couple who are soon to be brand new parents.    After mulling the idea over and over, we decided that we have the perfect nook in our bedroom that is an absolutely adequate and perfect  space for a baby until they are about 11 months old.  I can have everything I dream of for Fiona and not destroy our bank account at the same time. And lets be real, why does an infant need a bedroom to themselves when you are up half the night with them anyways, and play with them in the living room.  Seriously, saving for the next year is a Killer Win.
                Living in California is rough.  The cost of living discussed is no joke.  All that means is the creative need to use their mind and find happiness in the uniqueness in their lives.  Reasons to create are limitless and inspiration is endless.  I, for one, am so stoked to redecorate the room and apartment to accommodate our new baby girl.  There is no such thing as ‘normal.’  I am so glad that Jason and I live by that philosophy.  I think that once you implement that philosophy it is a lot easier to see the killer win in everything, making challenges a lot easier to adopt as huge blessings.
                With all this being said, I am very excited to share my baby projects! 
                Here is a little about my first project - I scoured Amazon for crib sets and found 2 that I liked.  After realizing their simplicity in design and vulgarity in color, I decided that a homemade crib blanket is the way to go.  I am not a frou frou person.  I like muted colors, as you know nostalgic prints and creations, nothing of which is found commercially.  I researched how vintage crib blankets were made and instantly fell in love with their simplicity.
                I am going to make Fiona her own hand embroidered crib blanket.  I have found oodles of vintage embroidery designs and have come up with a few variations of theme.  This means that I have embroidery skills to master in the process.  This also means I have a new skill to learn: Sewing.  What a perfect combination.
               I am so, so, so in love with the idea of creating a blanket for her that is going to have her mother’s presence in it even after I am gone.  I do not have anything like this as a memento of my mother and I wish more than anything that I had something of her skills to hold on to.  So, for Fiona I wanted her to have something made by me that is irreplaceable from her childhood and I don’t think there is anything better than this.
                I cannot wait to start!  I hope you follow me in the process of this blanket as well as my learning to sew.  There are going to be some baby realization posts along the way as well!  First baby realization post after this is most likely going to discuss the nitty gritty of registering baby products.  No one talks about it, I think it’s time I get real with you. 

Any who, thanks for reading! 

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