Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rock Hopped and Bush Wacked

                I have decided this will be the latest I write a post for a long time.  Like I have said before, I need to blog in the morning.  Tonight I write exhausted, yet again, after a seemingly perfect day. 
                Life is refreshing and full of glimmer when you just live the day for what it is: the moments you are alive. 
                Yesterday and today Jason and I have watched some truly inspiring movies we found on Netflix.
The first being a documentary that captured the journey of three men who ran across the Sahara.  The movie is titled none other than Running the Sahara.  I strongly urge you to watch the journey of these men, and I dare you not to feel a new strength within yourself.  We said throughout the movie, “wow, this is truly amazing.” 

The second being 180 Degrees South.  I love watching surf footage, especially old footage from the 60s.  I remember just watching the old surf footage that played for hours on late night Fuel TV, and being in a simple state of contentment.   I also love watching climbing movies.  I tried climbing, but am scared of heights and peaked at a terrible distance from the floor.  Movies allow me to feel the enjoyment of what I am interested in, by living vicariously through the balls to the wall climbers. 
                180 Degrees South is a fantastic documentary that features epic settings with human beings who will inspire your soul.  It is a story that transcends our grandfather’s generation to ours.  It is a story of enlightenment and action.  I again, strongly, urge you to watch this movie filled with intelligent humanitarians who have profited the world by prioritizing the nourishment of their own soul. 

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