Projects, projects, projects, ambitions, reality, nothing…NOT ANYMORE
I find that the past few months I have accumulated dozens of projects and fantastic ideas but have not completed a single one. I find that I accumulate the idea, the tools, the materials, and lose the ambition once I have completed a collection for whatever project. This then results in a reality of created nothingness. Depressing….
For example, this blog. I had the idea, I had the tools, I created the format, the platform, the audience. BUT the ambition I once had was to be unseen for months, resulting in again, NOTHINGNESS. Embarrassing…..
Life is continuously on the fast track. When you are at home without a job, it doesn’t necessarily mean your free time will automatically be used productively. Your imagination can run rampant, and your time can be consumed by a million other daily tasks that render themselves more important than your delightful project. I went back to the work field in February and then full time in March. This resulted in my entire attention being consumed by “more important things” than the goals I had ambitiously set out for a few months prior. Why??? All I need is to set aside an hour a day or less to accomplish my bucket list goals, but yet I lose ambition.
I think this is Because I am so afraid of what might not be, I decide its morbid destiny from the beginning. I want my ideas and ambitions to stay beautiful and innoncent, however doing so causes them to self implode because I did nothing with them.
This is why I chose to start blogging again in a challenge format. On vacation I was having a discussion and the realization came about that I just NEED TO FREAKING DO IT. I need to stop being a pansy, causing myself shame for my self destruction of not doing what I am capable of. I have goals that are completely attainable: get them done. Make those a priority, not a variable factor in my To Do List for each day. They need to be on a number between 1-5 of my list of daily 20.
I will admit, I need to blog in the morning instead of at night to ensure that I will get these goals accomplished daily on here. John Acuff arrived at work an hour early every single day to accomplish is goals so he could be an accomplished quitter. John Acuff blogged every day for an hour before work to ensure he would have ready content daily for his humbling number of viewers. He gave it his all. Part of giving something your all is learning how you can do that for yourself. If I need to make something a self challenge to accomplish it, so be it. That is parting of me understanding the way I work more effectively for my ambitions and goals.
Sewing is something I desperately want to learn. With that being said, my next start up challenge is the 30 Day Sew It Up Challenge! The present 30 day blog challenge may become a 180 day blog challenge, the sewing challenge may increase to a 90 day challenge, and so forth. This might be what I need to do to ensure my goals will not lose my ambition.
Life is insane for everyone; however a lot of people are successful at a lot of different things. I want to be one of those people. To get there, I just need to figure out how I best work with myself, and I think I am really starting to get somewhere. This blog challenge may be one of the best things I created and started. It’s really teaching me that if you want to eat an elephant, you can definitely do so – ONE BITE AT A TIME. Cheers!
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