Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I Started Knitting!

My 1st Knitting Success :)

        I started my knitting!  I originally took a night to teach myself how to knit the knit stitch with the companionship of a glass of wine one night in early November.  But the results were less than encouraging.  I remember posting on Facebook that after a lot of sweat and a lot of tears I had mastered the knit stitch.  I left out the part where I had added at least one new stitch to each row.  End result of this was a weird collar that I might offer a naked sheep.  But, it's not cute, not even for a freezing, naked  sheep.  Actually, I think the naked sheep would laugh at me, maybe even mock me for offering.

Weird Sheep Collar 
My November tries
   Anyways, after this small and unfulfilling endeavor I decided to focus on baking and set those sticks next to the book “I will read next week.”  But, baking season is over, and carbs and I are on a non-mingle agreement.   Time to focus on a new project!   I am working on a surprise embroidery birthday present for Jason, that he found (womp, womp).  Though he found it, I don’t want to publicize something that I did special for him.
     So, what to do, what to write about, what to learn?  As I prefaced in an earlier post I was amped  about knitting 2 weeks ago, but as I sat on my couch thinking of a project I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that challenge.  Knitting is something that takes a lot of practice, and again, I just wasn't sure if I was ready for consistent disappointment.  Despite the anxiety, I decided to read the first chapter of my knitting book Stitch’n Bithch The Knitter’s Handbook by Debbie Stoller.  She affirmed that even if you come from a long line of knitters, it still sucks to be a beginning knitter.  However, with practice, the day will come when it “clicks,” and the results are well worth it.  So, I sucked it up, picked up the sticks next to the book I should have read last week, and began the ridicule.  
     The results?  Slow to come, but I am loving every second!  I was such a Negative Nancy because I was so afraid to fail, but then I remembered this is the year of less excuses.  You have to just suck it up and do it.  You will never learn anything if all you do is look at other people who are doing things and fighting the good fight. 

My First attempt with the dusted off sticks 
I still added a few stitches to some rows by mistake!

     Alas, I have only completed 4 different squarish/rectangular "pieces" and the last one has 3 holes in it.  But I am leaps and bounds further than I was in November.  I have been practicing the last 2 nights for a good 2-3 hours hoping that "click" moment happens sooner than later.  I wrote myself an index card to inspire me to push through the failures and to work towards the goal of blankets, scarves and sweaters.  Besides, if 8 year old girls are taught to do this, umm I can teach myself to do this at 23!

Finally, after following an exercise in the book I accomplished my first success with NO added rows! 

     I still have my training wheels on in the process, and am so excited to learn my second stitch: the Pearl Stitch!  My first project goal is a scarf (token beginner knitter’s project)!  I think that "Click" moment is just around the corner :) I am going to track my progress on here, and let’s see where this new challenge leads me!
     Whose knitting with me???  CHEERS!

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